The Laws and Regulations of Bank Internal Control (電子書) - 台灣金融研訓院金融廣場網路書店

The Laws and Regulations of Bank Internal Control (電子書)

  • 作者本院編輯委員會
  • 語言別: 英文
  • 出版社台灣金融研訓院
  • 出版日期: 2022/08/01
  • 版次: 3
  • 類別: 金融測驗類
  • ISBN: 9789863990093
  • 讀者評鑑:

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To enable foreign banking personnel in Taiwan to easily and most rapidly obtain all the information needed to take the requisite internal control and audit test, Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance (TABF) publishes this book with all related laws and regulations translated into English. We trust that this book will not only be helpful for test preparation, but also as a valuable reference for all bank officers. This edition has updated the regulations collected in this book, promulgated by the Financial Supervisory Commission, the Central Bank and Taipei Exchange by June, 2022. So as to meet the practical demand of bank officers.




1.  The Banking Act of the Republic of China

2.  Financial Holding Company Act

3.  Implementation Rules of Internal Audit and Internal Control  System of Financial Holding Companies and Banking Industries

4.  Regulations Governing the Procedures for Banking Institutions to  Evaluate Assets and Deal with Non-performing/Non-accrual Loans

5.  Regulations Governing the Security Maintenance and  Administration of Financial Institutions

6.  Regulations Governing the Deposit Accounts and Suspicious or  Unusual Transactions

7.  Regulations Governing Anti-Money Laundering of Financial  Institutions

8.  Regulations Governing Institutions Engaging In Credit Card Business 9.  Directions Governing the Cash Card Business of Financial Institutions

10.Guidelines for Financial Institutions in Setting Tiered Interest Rates  for Credit Cards and Cash Cards

11.Regulations Governing the Declaration of Foreign Exchange  Receipts and Disbursements or Transactions

12.Regulations Governing the Handling of Counterfeit and Altered  Foreign Currency Notes and Coins

13.Regulations Governing Internal Operating Systems and Procedures  for Banks Conducting Financial Derivatives Business

14.Directions Governing Limitations on Types and Amounts of the  Securities in which a Commercial Bank May Invest

15.The Act Governing Bills Finance Business (Excerpt)

16.Enforcement Rules for the Act Governing Bills Finance  Business (Excerpt)

17.Regulations Governing Responsible Persons and Staff Members  of Bills Houses (Excerpt)

18.Securities and Exchange Act (Excerpt)

19.Regulations Governing Securities Firms (Excerpt)

20.Regulations Governing Responsible Persons and Associated  Persons of Securities Firms (Excerpt)

21.Taipei Exchange Rules Governing Securities Trading on the TPEx (Excerpt)

22.Financial Consumer Protection Act

