The Taiwan Banker

The Taiwan Banker

Bankers Digest

Wealth Management: Turning Good Work into Trust

By Hank Huang (黃崇哲) / 2021.02 The Taiwan Banker NO.134

Following a continuous stream of cases in 2020 in which wealth managers stole large amounts of money from their clients, shaking popular trust in weal.. more

Vaccines Arrive Just as New Virus Variants Emerge

By David Stinson / 2021.02 The Taiwan Banker NO.134

In any other year, it would have been a feel-good story. No sooner had a new pharmaceutical technology been perfected, aiming to transform drug develo.. more

To Foster Entrepreneurship, Take Care of the Younger Generation

By David Stinson / 2021.01 The Taiwan Banker NO.133

Suppose you had US$ 1 million to invest. Besides the stock market, would you rather put that money in a fledgling new business concept or buy a new ap.. more

Taiwan Serves as a Model for the World

By Hank Huang (黃崇哲) / 2021.01 The Taiwan Banker NO.133

Notwithstanding when the Zheng clan used Taiwan’s location for the pirate economy, ever since the Age of Discovery, Taiwan has always imported o.. more

Three Standards and Five Recommendations to Activate Green Finance

Wu Chung-shu (吳中書) / 2021.01 The Taiwan Banker NO.133

A number of factors are creating the perfect environment for Taiwan’s development of green bonds. Its green industry is growing expeditiously on.. more

The More Asian Financial Centers, the Merrier

By Matthew Fulco / 2021.01 The Taiwan Banker NO.133

The death of Hong Kong is exaggerated. Despite China's imposition of a draconian national security law in the city, the erstwhile British crown colony.. more

Women's Empowerment: Taiwan Stands on the World's Stage

By Hank Huang (黃崇哲) / 2020.12 The Taiwan Banker NO.132

In April, Forbes magazine published an article entitled, What do Countries with the Best Coronavirus Responses have in Common? The answer was female.. more

Gender Balance Results from Work-Life Balance

By David Stinson / 2020.12 The Taiwan Banker NO.132

In every industry in every country, the childbearing years are an impediment to female employment. This is especially the case for those who aspire to.. more

Beijing is China's Biggest Fintech Disruptor

By Matthew Fulco / 2020.12 The Taiwan Banker NO.132

China has always been circumspect about disruptive fintechs. Since 2017, it has launched draconian crackdowns on both cryptocurrency and peer-to-peer .. more

Taiwan's Wealth Gap Needs Attention and Action

By Hank Huang (黃崇哲) / 2020.11 The Taiwan Banker NO.131

As a gift to Taiwan, the Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance, which turns 40 this year, has published the country’s first Taiwan Financial Lif.. more