The Taiwan Banker

The Taiwan Banker

Bankers Digest

A Light at the End of the Tunnel

By Hank Huang (黃崇哲) / 2022.06 The Taiwan Banker NO.150

Since the coronavirus emerged in late 2019, the world has been battling a mercurial contagion that has continuously mutated into ever more transmissib.. more

Banking Was a Critical Part of Ukraine's Modernization Process

By David Stinson / 2022.06 The Taiwan Banker NO.150

The wartime economy necessitates a mix of physical cash, centralized digital cash, and decentralized digital assets. The first is useful in all situat.. more

Hong Kong's mainlandization is nearly complete

By Matthew Fulco / 2022.06 The Taiwan Banker NO.150

The implications are grim for those invested in the city’s role as an international financial center, but many Chinese firms will thrive anyway .. more

RMB Internalization May be a Fruitless Endeavor

By Edward Hsieh / 2022.05 The Taiwan Banker NO.149

In the past, with its sound legal system, simple and low tax system, free movement of funds, abundant financial products, and large talent pool, Hong .. more

The Path Forward for Central Banks

By Paul Chiou / 2022.05 The Taiwan Banker NO.149

Inflation now exceeds 7% in Europe, 8% in the United States, 5.1% in the eurozone, and 5.5% in the UK, setting record highs since the energy crisis in.. more

At the Center of a Power Struggle, Taiwan Must Strengthen its Financial Resilience

By Luo Yi-bin / 2022.03 The Taiwan Banker NO.147

Followingthe outbreak of the Ukraine war, a broad cross-section of countries imposed unprecedented financial sanctions on the Russian central bank. Wi.. more

Asia's growth consolidating in 2022 but with major risks

By Alicia Garcia Herrero / 2022.05 The Taiwan Banker NO.149

Aftera fast technical rebound in the first half 2021, Asia GDP growth quickly sagged in the second half of the year, as Covid-related suppression meas.. more

Hong Kong: From a Global Offshore Financial Center to a Mainland China-centric One

By Alicia Garcia Herrero / 2022.05 The Taiwan Banker NO.149

Hong Kong's offshore financial sector has been highly successful, at least when measured by increased size. The bank assets-to-GDP ratio expanded from.. more

A Farewell to Hong Kong

By Hank Huang (黃崇哲) / 2022.05 The Taiwan Banker NO.149

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam has finally stepped off the political stage, but in her five years in office, she presided over a Hong Kong that .. more

The Next Wave of Financial Sector Immigrants May Speak Fluent Chinese

By David Stinson / 2022.05 The Taiwan Banker NO.149

“There may well be room for people to saythat a number of decisions and announcements made by the HKSAR Government relating to the Covid-19 pand.. more