The Taiwan Banker

The Taiwan Banker

Bankers Digest

A bird's-eye view on China's capital flows and its implications

By Alicia Garcia Herrero / 2023.11 The Taiwan Banker NO.167

China has turbocharged its RMB internationalization progress in 2023, including the greater usage of its currency in cross-border payments and trade s.. more

Preventing “immunity debt” in Taiwan will strengthen financial resilience

By Hank Huang (黃崇哲) / 2023.11 The Taiwan Banker NO.167

The success of Taiwan’s high-intensity pandemic prevention significantly reduced covid cases in Taiwan. As a side effect, however, the populatio.. more

Taiwan's economy held back by a longer than expected destocking cycle

By Alicia Garcia Herrero / 2023.09 The Taiwan Banker NO.165

Chief Economist for Asia Pacific and Senior Research Fellow Bruegel Although Taiwan has averted another quarter of recession with a cyclical rebound .. more

The Agricultural Bank of Taiwan has grown stronger through adversity

By Lien-Wen Liang / 2023.10 The Taiwan Banker NO.166

The agricultural finance systems of Japan, Korea, Germany, and the Netherlands have complete upper and lower levels. Looking back at the history of cr.. more

Ransomware puts the entire cybersecurity insurance model at risk

By David Stinson / 2023.10 The Taiwan Banker NO.166

Around 2017, fears abounded that the ‘Obamacare’ healthcare markets created several years earlier by the Affordable Care Act were on the v.. more

New Ministry of Agriculture is the result of a long campaign

By Su Weihua (蘇偉華) / 2023.10 The Taiwan Banker NO.166

After 35 years, the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) has finally been elevated to full-fledged ministry status. In the face of climate change and the nee.. more

Agricultural Associations Can Lead Sustainable Agriculture

By Hank Huang (黃崇哲) / 2023.10 The Taiwan Banker NO.166

The Sanjiaoyong Agricultural Association (today the Sanxia District Agricultural Association) was founded at the beginning of the 20th century, the fi.. more

Taiwan's financial sector is more resilient than ever

By Edward Hsieh / 2023.09 The Taiwan Banker NO.165

The collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 can be considered an important milestone in the development of modern finance. The subsequent global.. more

Taiwanese banks go “Eastbound,” following the tech sector to the US

By Liao He-ming / 2023.09 The Taiwan Banker NO.165

Following the temporary disruption from covid, the financial industry has moved steadily overseas, particularly targeting ASEAN and the US. Overseas p.. more

Money laundering and Chinese influence become campaign issues in Thailand

By David Stinson / 2023.09 The Taiwan Banker NO.165

Adversity is the mother of innovation, in the world of Southeast Asian organized crime like anywhere else. The region is long been notorious for its .. more