The Taiwan Banker

The Taiwan Banker

Bankers Digest

Regtech:A Promise For Smarter Regulatory Compliance?

By Olga Rakhmanina / 2020.01 The Taiwan Banker NO.121

Advances in technological innovation touch on all aspects of financial services, including such non-consumer facing functions as regulatory compliance.. more

Difficulties in the Asian Life Insurance Sector Reflect the Real Economy

By David Stinson / 2020.01 The Taiwan Banker NO.121

As the global reduction in interest rates shows no sign of abatement, who is affected the most? Given compounding returns, it would logically be those.. more

The Rebirth of Taiwanese Equities

By Hank Huang (黃崇哲) / 2019.12 The Taiwan Banker NO.120

With double-digit economic growth for many years starting in 1985, Taiwan’s private income grew sharply. Due to limited investment channels, lar.. more

Nudge For Good: Helping Consumers Make Better Financial Decisions

By Olga Rakhmanina / 2019.12 The Taiwan Banker NO.120

Recent popularization of the behavioural science has undermined the traditional economic theory that consumers consistently reach most rational decisi.. more

Developing a fintech niche

By Matthew Fulco / 2019.12 The Taiwan Banker NO.120

Taiwan's fintech sector has made important strides in the past two years. While overall fintech investment remains modest, the government has taken st.. more

Taiwan Is Looking Like an Island of Stability

By David Stinson / 2019.12 The Taiwan Banker NO.120

Freedom or fortune? This is how Beijing has consistently framed the choice facing Hong Kong. If the unrest in the second half of this year has prompte.. more

Not So Fast, Please: Financial Exclusion In The Digital Age

By Olga Rakhmanina / 2019.11 The Taiwan Banker NO.119

Recent advancements in technology and digital innovation promise to make our financial lives easier as we make payments with a tap of our bank card an.. more

Taiwan's Financial Industry Should Be Confident on the World Stage

By Hank Huang (黃崇哲) / 2019.11 The Taiwan Banker NO.119

Within a few short years Taiwan has moved from failing 16 items of the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG), into the “general tracking.. more

Hong Kong's star will gradually fade

By Matthew Fulco / 2019.11 The Taiwan Banker NO.119

Not so long ago, Hong Kong's position as a global financial center seemed unassailable. Fears that Shanghai would overtake the former British colony h.. more

Countries Around the World Aim to Professionalize Corporate Management

By David Stinson / 2019.11 The Taiwan Banker NO.119

In international headlines on the ongoing saga of Carlos Ghson, former Chairman and CEO of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance, Japan’s ̶.. more