The Taiwan Banker

The Taiwan Banker

Bankers Digest

The Pandemic Will Leave a Changed Financial Sector

By David Stinson / 2020.11 The Taiwan Banker NO.131

During the coronavirus pandemic, the transformation of the financial sector has been fast-tracked. Social distancing measures have forced financial in.. more

Taiwanese Banks Should Build on the Success of the Semiconductor Industry

By David Stinson / 2020.11 The Taiwan Banker NO.131

This year, after years of cultivating technical talent, and through the good judgement of its key decision makers, Taiwan upstaged the US in a way tha.. more

Continuously Rising Housing Prices may Harm Growth

By Nan-kuang Chen (Vice President of the Central B / 2020.11 The Taiwan Banker NO.131

Taiwan has an 85% homeownership rate, and about 88% of those are single-family houses. Rising housing prices will make life more difficult for familie.. more

FinTech Taipei Forum 2020 Showcases Progress in Finance, Taiwan's Adaptability

By David Stinson / 2020.11 The Taiwan Banker NO.131

In a video available on YouTube, Albert Einstein has some words of advice for the world. “Mankind is at war with an invisible enemy, and we are .. more

Financial Stability Depends on the Real Estate Market

By Hank Huang (黃崇哲) / 2020.10 The Taiwan Banker NO.130

Central banks have responded to the pandemic-induced downturn by sharply lowering interest rates and firing up their money printers, driving hot money.. more

Get Tech Regulation Right Before Doing Fintech

By David Stinson / 2020.10 The Taiwan Banker NO.130

Rather than the tech industry itself, the debate in the US over the role of technology companies the financial system is instead being driven by the e.. more

A Digital Yuan Won't Resolve China's Dollar Hegemony Dilemma

By Matthew Fulco / 2020.10 The Taiwan Banker NO.130

China's advent of a central bank digital currency has rekindled the world's interest in renminbi internationalization, which has stalled amid concern .. more

The Trade War Must Go On?

By Matthew Fulco / 2020.10 The Taiwan Banker NO.130

Before the coronavirus pandemic, China's ruling Communist Party may well have preferred that Donald Trump win re-election this year. Yes, Trump's tari.. more

A Fresh Start for Taiwan's Financial Sector

By Hank Huang (黃崇哲) / 2020.09 The Taiwan Banker NO.129

At the 2020 Taiwan Capital Markets Forum, President Tsai Ying-wen said that the government will turn Taiwan into an “capital center to serve com.. more

China Further Opens Financial Sector to Foreign Companies

By Matthew Fulco / 2020.09 The Taiwan Banker NO.129

When China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, it promised to remove most market barriers to foreign participation in its financial sector by.. more