Green energy financing is becoming more prevalent in Taiwan as we move toward our goal of becoming a country that does not use nuclear power. There is a lot of investor interest in this area of financing, especially from both state-owned and private banks. Government support will be crucial to the success of the green financing initiative, which is a financing model that is relatively new.
Taiwan is an island of opportunity. It possesses great flexibility, as evidenced by its successes in many different industries. Today, it continues to play a key role in the global economy. Taking advantage of both its natural and human resources, Taiwan can decide which industries it should focus on in the future to avoid widespread and unemployment and economic turbulence. If it does so, Taiwan will ensure it creates an excellent living environment for its people - an environment which supports democracy and equality.
Taiwan's textile industry has successfully adapted to changing times. However, some other sectors such as manufacturing and services are in the processing of moving up the value chain. Yet they are not making this transition smoothly. There are several reasons for this, such as geopolitical changes or challenges in the area of cross-Strait relations. This should not be seen as something Taiwan cannot overcome.
In the past, Taiwan's entertainment industry produced influential content that was appreciated throughout the Chinese-speaking world, including films, music, novels and television programs. Taiwan played a leading role in setting Chinese cultural trends. Today, however, China produces more influential content than Taiwan, and Korean content is popular throughout East Asia. It's important to note that both the Chinese and Korean governments invest heavily in entertainment content; this financial backing has played a crucial role in the success of their content.
To boost Taiwan's cultural and creative industries, supportive policies are needed. We can see that green energy is growing here in Taiwan because of supportive government policy. So what is necessary to help the cultural and creative industries? To begin, there should be a comprehensive mechanism to guarantee Taiwanese television programs and films are completed and distributed internationally - as our domestic market is small. We also need a credit rating mechanism, so that financial institutions or venture capitalists can mobilize funds to participate in the development of cultural and creative industries. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Culture has established a dedicated office to assist filmmakers/makers of television programs with obtaining funding. In the future, it will be important to increase mutual understanding between investors and cultural/creative content creators to best develop the cultural and creative industries in Taiwan.
During the transition period of non nuclear country, Taiwan enduring the threat of Airborne particulates in the air, this is like back then we suffered from waste water pollution, heavy mental pollution and scarficiae people’s health, the and later genetration’s environment. Howeve,r as long as the direction is correction, we eventually can build the new value and we all depend on and bond together and move on together to the future. The key for Taiwan to regain its power to make success again is lock on the future industry goals, and fully use the financial fund financing potential. We own the complete sound law and civil society and if we abandon the idology and be open minded to discusson the the goals we should develop together. And this time the goals are same attention to opportunity and equality, substaintial and development balance. Review Taiwan’s several industry adjustments in the past hundred years, as long as we still own the strong flexibility we had before, we will make it this time.