






2020年11月27日(星期五) 13:30至17:00


時間 議程內容



14:25-14:35 Break Time


講座:Ph.D. David Roi Hardoon, Senior Advisor for Data and Artificial Intelligence at Union Bank of the Philippines


專題演講三:AI風險治理策略(AI Governance Strategy)

講座:Ms. Elisa Ang, Director, KPMG Singapore

15:25-15:35 Break Time
16:25-16:35 Break Time




  • Mr. Chin Kok Lem, Partner, KPMG Singapore
  • Ph.D. David Roi Hardoon, Senior Advisor for Data and Artificial Intelligence at Union Bank of the Philippines
  • 劉俊良先生,台灣微軟大型事業處金融事業部副總經理



自2000年加入微軟R&D,至目前負責台灣微軟大型事業處金融事業部副總經理,Jimmy Liu熟知微軟技術及台灣金融產業之所需數位規劃,近幾年推動台灣區金融客戶的數位轉型方案及AI + FinTech 技術,包含Blockchain as a service及Opening Banking相關策略規劃及實際導入機制, 並透過微軟新一代金融創新技術及雲端解決服務,帶動台灣金融業客戶創新改變。

Ph.D. David Roi Hardoon, Senior Advisor for Data and Artificial Intelligence at Union Bank of the Philippines

Concurrently David is an external advisor to Singapore's Corrupt Investigation Practices Bureau (CPIB) in the capacity of Senior Advisor (Artificial Intelligence) and to Singapore's Central Provident Fund Board (CPF) in the capacity of Senior Advisor (Data Science).

Prior to his current roles, David was Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) first appointed Chief Data Officer and Head of Data Analytics Group reporting to the agency Deputy Managing Director for Financial Supervision and subsequently Special Advisor (Artificial Intelligence) reporting to Deputy Managing Director for Markets and Development. In these roles he led the development of the AI strategy both for MAS and Singapore’s financial sector as well as driving efforts in promoting open cross-border data flows.

David has extensive exposure and experience in both industry and academia and he has consistently applied advanced technology with an analytical mindset to shape and deliver new innovation. David holds a PhD in Computer Science in the field of Machine Learning from the University of Southampton and graduated from Royal Holloway, University of London with First Class Honors B.Sc. in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Out in the "field", David is more likely to consider himself a data artist instead of a pure data scientist.

Ms. Elisa Ang, Director, KPMG Singapore

Elisa is a director in the KPMG Forensic practice for 10 years, specializing in data analytics, data visualization and machine learning. She has supervised and built a vendor anomaly detection model, process mining tool and a corporate intelligence plat form in her time with KPMG.


2018年起擔任中國信託金控技術長,負責督導整合金控及其子公司之資訊業務,並協助各子公司導入創新科技,拓展金融科技業務。 加入中國信託金控前,於IBM公司服務近20年,擔任IBM全球企業諮詢服務事業群總經理,專長為企業策略轉型、數位轉型創新專案整合與推動。擁有台灣大學工程碩士學位及政治大學國際經營管理碩士學位。

Mr. Lem Chin Kok, Head of Risk Consulting / Head of Forensic, Asia Pacific, KPMG Singapore

Lem Chin Kok is the chairman of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA) Financial Forensic Accounting Oversight Committee. He assisted in the design and development of the ISCA financial forensic professional programme, the first applied learning financial forensic qualification developed by a professional qualification body in the region.

Chin Kok is also a board member of the Goods and Services Tax Board of Review (GSTBR), one of the Tax Board sunder the Ministry of Finance and is an administrative tribunal established under the Goods and Services Tax Act to adjudicate disputes between tax payers and the Comptroller of Goods and Services Tax (Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore).

Chin Kok is the Head of KPMG Forensic practice in Asia Pacific and leads the Singapore and Indonesia Forensic practice. Prior to joining KPMG about 18 years ago, Chin Kok was the Regional Finance Manager of a Singapore-listed company, where he managing the entire financial functions of the group’s regional subsidiaries. Chin Kok started his career with the Singapore Police Force more than 25 years ago where he specialized in the investigation of white collar crimes such as criminal breach of trust, forgery and cheating..




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